A Little About Us

Arnav Solutions is in distressed asset consulting since 2008, primarily providing Due Diligence, Acquisition pricing & Structuring Advisory, Restructuring & Resolution services to Asset Reconstruction Companies, Distressed Asset Funds & Banks/FI. Team Arnav comprises of experienced professionals from distressed asset sector.
Arnav Solutions till date has completed Due Diligence of more than 2,000 Stressed/NPA cases spread across sectors and geographies. Arnav Solutions is also an Empanelled Resolution Agency with few Public Sector Banks and Asset Reconstruction Companies and handles their NPA portfolio.

Having spent more than 20 years in the Stressed Asset Market, we strongly believe that access to "Risk Capital" in time is essential for quicker turnaround of "promising" cases while finding the right opportunity from the pile of assets is a task in itself. Currently, Time and effort in identifying right opportunity that meets the "risk-reward" expectations of Investors are disproportionately high as compared to number of Concluded Deals. Time and Costs for a borrower who is already "under stress" to reach out to multiple investors is also equally very high. Under the new regime of "Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code", resolution plans are expected in quicker time frame of 180 days necessitating need for faster access to Investors

We believe that our Online platform powered by "Experience & Technology" will act as " The Turnaround Catalyst" for Borrowers & Investors!

Our Approach

Data Gathering

Standard Data Forms for capturing Finanacial, Operational, Debt Profile & Security, Legal status & other relevant data

Data Analysis

Applying analytical procedure to data gathered & Generating Analytical reports.

Risk Analysis

Identifying Possible Risk factors & analysing it's impact on turnaround strategies.

Deal Structuring

Assessing funding requirement & building risk mitigation strategies.
